what is reiki (ray-key)?

REI means supernatural forces or spiritual intelligence.
KI means life force energy.

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that originated in Japan in the early 20th century.

Life force energy flows through all living things and when it is blocked or disrupted, it can lead to physical, emotional, and mental imbalances. By using a series of hand positions on or near the body, Reiki practitioners aim to channel this energy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and promote healing.

Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle, and relaxing therapy that can be used to complement traditional medical treatments. It is a holistic approach to healing that aims to treat the whole person, rather than just the symptoms of a particular condition.

Please note that Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. 

benefits you may experience ...

✔ Can help speed up healing and recovery time following illness or surgery
✔Stress reduction and relaxation
✔ Relax and relieve tension
✔ Helps relieve pain
✔Removes energy bloackages
✔ Enhances your capability to love
✔Supports immune function
✔ Activates the body's natural ability to heal
✔ Aids in better sleep
✔ Sense of inner peace
✔ Preventative health and maintenance
✔ Safe, effective, non-invasive

how does reiki work?

The body has the power to heal. It has its own intelligence and knows exactly where to go and what it needs to do. But when we are continuously living in a stressed state, which seems to be the norm these days (children and teens included), this adaptive process begins to malfunction and disease begins to set in.

Reiki works by the way of reducing stress and increasing the parasympathetic nervous system response (rest and digest). In this deeply relaxed state, the body and systems can return to natural function, restoring health on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Reiki also works by allowing energy to flow through and open up blocked chakras.


Reiki is the best vibration for helping someone to relax well and deeply. Relaxation is key to human health and recovery because it initiates our natural and innate healing abilities. It is when we are truly relaxed that true healing can take place.
— Chyna Honey


what to expect during a reiki treatment ...

Our exclusive in-person Reiki treatments offer a unique experience of relaxation, rejuvenation, and holistic healing. We are dedicated to providing personalized treatments tailored to your specific needs.

Imagine being enveloped in a serene and peaceful spa-like atmosphere, surrounded by calming sounds and the scent of soothing aromatherapy oils. Our therapy room is designed to provide a sense of tranquility and comfort to enhance your healing experience.

During a Reiki session, you will lay down on a massage table while Melissa places her hands on or above your body with the intention of allowing Reiki energy to flow through them.

Most clients usually become very relaxed, while the energy flow in their body increases. It is not unusual for someone to fall asleep during a session. Most of our clients will reach a dream-like state, called Theta Brain Waves.

Some clients may "feel" things, but most often they report a deep sense of peace and deep relaxation. Regardless of what is felt during the session, know and trust that Reiki energy is working safely and that powerful, healing energy, is getting to the root, and working its magic on all levels.

We do not direct energy to you as Reiki energy does not have to be direct, it knows exactly where to go. Another beautiful thing about giving a Reiki treatment is that as a practitioner you are not giving your energy away, in fact, when giving a treatment, we get healed as well and always experience an increase in energy. Call it a gift from the universe for us both.

To complement your Reiki treatment, we also offer aroma therapy in the room. The soothing scents of essential oils are carefully chosen to enhance relaxation and promote healing.

After the Reiki session, you will have the option to choose an oracle card reading from a variety of decks. This can provide further insight into your current situation, provide clarity, and help guide you on your path toward a more fulfilling life.

Our therapy room is located across from Heron Island, providing a picturesque view of the ocean that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. At our healing center, we are committed to providing exceptional care and personalized attention to each of our clients. We invite you to experience the healing power of Reiki and take the first step towards a more balanced and harmonious life.


investment in yourself & your health

— In-Person —

$88 per session
$237 for 3 sessions (prepaid)

Save when you purchase 3 sessions in advanced

Sessions are approximately 60 minutes in length.
*In-person sessions can be paid for in advance or you can pay when you arrive. Package deals are payable in advance. 

Had my first session with Mel and I must say it was fantastic. She has a kind , loving and safe vibe that radiates off her. Will def be back to see her.
— Jen F.


— Long Distance Reiki —

Welcome to our exclusive distance Reiki treatments, where you can experience the benefits of Reiki and sound healing from the comfort of your own home.

Distance Reiki works by channeling healing energy to you from a distance, using the principles of quantum physics and the understanding that we are all interconnected on a deep level. You can receive the benefits of Reiki and sound healing from wherever you are, without the need for in-person contact.

Our distance Reiki treatments begin with pre-session instructions and an intake form that helps guide the session. At the time of your session we will then connect with you over Zoom, where you can relax in a comfortable and quiet space while we perform the healing.

Our distance Reiki treatments incorporate the use of sound healing tools like crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, swing chimes, Kochi chimes, native drums, and many more. These tools are carefully selected and used to create a harmonious environment to facilitate deep relaxation, balance energy, and restore inner peace.

After the distance Reiki session, you will have the option to choose an oracle card reading from a variety of decks. This can provide further insight into your current situation, provide clarity, and help guide you on your path toward a more fulfilling life.

If you are unable to make the session live, a recording of the session will be forwarded to you so that you can experience the benefits of the healing at your own convenience.

$88 per session
Sessions are approximately 60 minutes in length. Prices are in CAD.


are you interested in becoming a reiki practitioner?

As part of our Awakened Health Academy, we are thrilled to offer a Level 1 Usui Reiki certificate training course in Month 8. This training will teach you how to tap into the powerful healing energy that resides within us all.

By completing this training, you will receive a certificate recognizing your achievement and your ability to perform Reiki on yourself and others. This can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation, as well as a valuable skill to share with those around you.

We believe that everyone has the potential to be an energy healer, and we are committed to helping you unlock this potential through our comprehensive training programs. Join us at the Awakened Health Academy and discover the power of Reiki for yourself.