Our awakening all started when…
Looking back, we can see how Spirit has been guiding us for a long time to this very place, to our purpose.
For both of us, the awakening began when we experienced health issues, but it wasn’t until Mel’s doctor let her down, that our eyes began to open further to the fact that if we didn’t take responsibility for our own health, we wouldn’t get to experience the life that we had always dreamed of.
As the story goes, our illnesses and medical conditions were our great blessings, which seems to be the truth for so many we meet and work with.
Going from doctor to doctor and healer to healer hasn't gotten you the results you'd hoped (or paid) for.
You've been left chasing symptoms and not achieving the level of health that you desire, and you're not seeing the results you'd expect from all your hard efforts. Instead, you're left feeling frustrated and completely drained.
Your bank account is dwindling and so is your energy. But deep down you know and trust that the answers are out there, you just haven't discovered them - yet!
We've spent the last decade-plus and over hundreds of thousands of dollars seeking ways to achieve optimal health, only to be left frustrated with subpar results and a dwindling bank account.
✔ That we are all unique bio-individuals and what works for one, might not work for the next. This is true for everything from the clothes that we wear to the foods that we eat. Despite our schooling at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition whose core teaching was bio-individuality, we still believed that everyone on the planet would be better off eating vegan - ultimately raw vegan. Both of us destroyed our guts trying to maintain a plant-based diet. We had fallen victim to the dogma and manipulation and ignored every symptom that our bodies were screaming at us. This experience taught us a few important lessons - bio-individuality is not to be ignored, plant-based is not best for everyone, ignoring symptoms does not make things better, and putting others’ experiences and truth before your own, will likely not end well.
✔ We discovered the importance of addressing not just the physical root cause(s) of an illness but also learning to work with the emotional, and spiritual root cause(s) is critical if one expects full healing. Most often, if not always, there is an emotional and spiritual connection to our health conditions. We hold trauma and past wounds deep in our cells and for healing to occur we need to address these roots as well.
✔ We learned that intuition is one of our biggest allies when it comes to healing. Learning to trust your gut (intuition) is one of the best skills that you can add to your toolbox. Most of us have never been taught how to connect with or how to trust our inner guidance systems - a built-in system that is within you and that will help guide you through life.
✔ We’ve been conditioned to give away our power in all areas of our life and if you want to access full healing you need to start thinking for yourself, start checking in with your Highest Self daily, to stop relying on outside sources to tell you what you need to do, and to learn how to feel what is right for you (aka use your inner guidance system).
✔ We also discovered that God/Spirit/Source did amazing things when he created the human body. The human body is one of the most incredible and complex things we have yet to fully understand. What makes it incredible is that it’s been designed to self-heal. it wants to heal!! All we need to do is give it the right tools and write a new program.
✔ Your health is your responsibility and no one else’s. If you want to live a healthy, happy, fulfilled life, you need to go after what you want and believe that you can achieve it. You need to let go of the programs that are keeping you sick and playing small and trust that if you’re following your heart and what makes you happy, you will be guided to places that you’ve never dreamed of.
Are you ready to reclaim your power and take charge of your health journey?
At our core, we wholeheartedly believe in empowering individuals like you to achieve your health and lifestyle goals. To kickstart this exciting journey, we invite you to apply for a complimentary, no-obligation 15 to 30-minute conversation by completing our qualifying questionnaire.
Let's embark on this journey of positive transformation together, supporting you in achieving the vibrant and fulfilling life you truly deserve.