Hello beautiful awakened soul, WELCOME!!


We’re living in such incredible times, life as we know it is rapidly changing.

The old ways of living are slowly dissolving, making way for a new and magical way of being. 

We’re shifting, and if you’re reading this page you’re likely feeling a shift too.

We’re all being given a choice between ...
living from the mind(the old way) living from the heart (the new way).

For years, in fact, most of our lives, we’ve been living from our minds, maybe you can relate to this as well?

We unquestioningly embraced much of what we were taught placing unwavering trust in systems that ultimately proved unreliable

Putting others on a pedestal we let their opinions and truths take precedence over our own

We adhered to diets shaped by others' experiences, overlooking the signals our bodies were sending us

We placed our faith in the assumption that authorities consistently prioritized our well-being

We bought (or took) things assuming they were safe, just trusting the advice without digging deeper or questioning it


What a blessing these experiences have been!!

We had the option to succumb to fear or let anger consume us.There were indeed moments when we felt infuriated, especially towards those who deceived us and inflicted harm.

Yet, rather than dwelling in resentment, we've opted to view these experiences as "blessons" (blessings and lessons).




These encounters have enabled us to step into the role of observers, scrutinizing the programmed beliefs we've adopted as our own truth.

We're now in the driver's seat, picking what feels right for us and steering our lives in a whole new direction. Most importantly, this change hasn't just brought back our personal power but has breathed new life into our health, letting us shape a life we once only fantasized about.

For so long we’d been taught what to think, how to eat, who to like, what to wear, who to trust, and who to give our money to ...

We’d been taught not to ask questions, that there is a pill for every ill, that convenience was the way to go, and that other people know what’s best for us ...

That couldn’t be further from the truth!!

No one knew what was best for us. No one had the right to tell us what was best for us. And no one can do the same for you!!!

It’s time for you to …

✔ Start trusting yourSelf more

✔ Take back your personal power

✔ Reclaim your health and sovereignty

As we continue shifting and creating a new way of being we’ve created a community for awakening souls who are looking for guidance and support as old ways of being dissolve.

Let us know how we can be of supportive service to you on your journey to the heart.


Mel & Anth are grounded and centered. From this space, they offer authentic healing & connection to yourself with many methods to suit all preferences.
— Cat Harding


The Awakened Health Academy

The Awakened Health Academy is a 12-month holistic approach to well-being that encompasses ...

⚈ Mind ⚈ Body ⚈ Spirit

Each month, you'll be guided through a series of empowering challenges, practices, and insightful lessons designed to help you reclaim your health and personal sovereignty. Throughout your academy experience, you'll receive ongoing support, guidance, and inspiration from us and a vibrant community of like-hearted individuals. Connect, share, and learn from each other's experiences as you cultivate a lasting transformation.

We offer you the flexibility to tailor your journey according to your needs.

✔ You can opt for the comprehensive 12-month program, immersing yourself in all facets of our transformative experience.

✔ Alternatively, you have the option to delve into specific areas of interest by selecting individual pillars from our array of offerings.


The Academy Pillars


Remember Who You Are


Discover Your Unique Food Blueprint for Optimal Gut Health


Integrating Weight Loss, Detox, Hormones, and Chakra Alignment


Enhancing Sleep, Easing Stress, Healing Naturally


I came with little expectations and left with a connection to my intuition. The environment was lovely, hospitable and a safe space.
— Amber V.


wellness Shop

recommend Health products

Here, you'll find a collection of health products that we truly adore and support wholeheartedly.

recommended Supplements

Here, you'll find a collection of supplements and natural foods that we truly adore and support wholeheartedly.

done for you Meal plans

Here, you'll find a collection of done for you meal plans complete with shopping lists and step-by-step guides.

Personal Growth Journals

Here, you'll find a collection of journals that can help transform your life one page at a time.


Went beyond my expectations! Beautiful music, loved the reiki, plus positive affirmations and I love Tux!!!
— Laura -Lee P.


Join our soul tribe

awakened souls community

In the Awakened Soul Community, we strive to build a new way of living. Our FREE community fosters solutions-based conversations that aim to create a more fulfilling life that is anchored in health, ascension and sovereignty. Join us on this journey towards creating a community that operates outside of the constraints of big money and fosters creativity, positivity, and change.